Thursday, September 10, 2009


Okay.. so we are still waiting for some snail mail money but I thought we could safely throw out ideas on how much prizes will be.  We are going to have 3 prizes each month.  Lets plan on the monthly prizes adding up to $200 per month.  (This means we will have at least $250 for the overall winner.  We can plan on throwing ANYTHING above and beyond that onto the top of the overall winner pot!!!)  In general we will find that the overall winner will be placing every month so I promise they will win lots of money along the way!! ;o) 

SOOOO  If there is $200 to split 3 ways... how should we do it?

Throw out your suggestions or agree with a suggestion someone else throws out!  Just make sure to make your voice heard!!!


Karilynn said...

1st - $125
2nd - $50
3rd - $25

Vicki said...

I think $250 should be the top for the overall winner and that anything above that should be added to up the second a third place even if it is just $5 bucks each -- bc like you said, it is almost guaranteed that the overall will have won a lot of money, especially with 3 places.

Melissa said...

I think 3rd should get $30 because I'm guessing everyone put $30 in and then everyone will have the chance to get their $30 back!

1st: $110
2nd: $60
3rd: $30

Wendy said...

I like Karilynn's idea- $125, $50 and $25. However, Melissa's is good too. I'm good with whatever you all decide.

Lorie said...

I like Melissa's idea. Everyone has a chance to get there money back.

Mindy M said...

I'm with Karilynn $125, $50, $25! or if we think that 3rd should get our money back I vote for:
1- $120
2- $50
3- $30

Jewel said...

I like 125/50/25



Ellura said...

I like the $125/$50/$25 for the monthly winners but I would be fine with any of the other options. I really like Vicki's idea too - where the overal 2nd and 3rd place winners have some kind of recognition.

Kelli said...

Karilynn's idea makes the most scents. 1st. $125 2nd. $50 3rd. $25.

Aly Scoffield said...

I like the 3rd getting their $30 back. I almost think it would be nice to have them a bit closer. It was my initial thought that 1st should be a GRAND amount, but the more I think about it, I bet 2nd and 3rd miss it by a hair, so maybe $100/$60/$40. Then being half a lb off wont hurt so bad. :) But I'm fine with anything.

Elise said...

I like Aly's idea of putting them a little closer - 100/60/40. Is there going to be a 2nd place overall?

Sarah said...

Okay I like most if not all the ideas but I like Elise's the best.

Ellura said...

I guess I don't really expect to win any money so I am not as concerned with the pay out. However, I think the places will be very close so if you go with Aly's idea, then those who are close will be rewarded too. Good idea...

Karilynn said...

I think we take a little bit out of the competitiveness when we give 2nd and 3rd place so much! First place will be someone who is totally determined and I think they deserve to earn most of the money for the month! ;o)

Kelli said...

If I got second or 3rd I could see being able to put it back in the pot for the overall winner. Even first place for the month depending on how hard I worked to achieve my weight loss. I still really wanted only one prize for the month and one bigger prize for the winner. But at least $125 $50 and $25 is a good compromise for me.

Kathy Scoffield said...

Just have to clarify, I was logged in as my daughter and didn't know it. So if any of you are wondering... who is Aly? It was me, Kathy. :)

Spitfire said...

I think 100/60/40 is a good idea for prizes.